Practitioner Course



In this introductory module, Paul gives an overview of the agenda and topics covered

Module 1 – The Market

In this module, we’ll be covering the types of problems and issues, types of clients age and gender and typical referral history of paediatric clients

Module 2 – Media Trends

In this module, we’ll cover the trend towards mental health being the poor relation in health related issues and the increasing emphasis towards children. We’ll also discuss the media bias against hypnosis, and how our new regulatory framework hasn’t filtered through to the press yet

Module 3 – Ethical Framework

In this module, we’ll discuss the Disclosure and Barring Service certification scheme and the role of the Professional Standards Authority

Module 4 – Code of Conduct

In this module, we look at the rules set out by the major associations and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

Module 5 – Therapist’s Concerns

In this module, we talk about how dealing with children means a lot more thinking on your feet, and the differences between dealing with adults and children

Module 6 – Indicators

In this module, we’ll discuss when is appropriate to use hypnotherapy to treat children and when is it not

Module 7 – Communication

In this module, we discuss the most important issue around communication, which is understanding how to make sure that your child client understands what you are saying

Module 8 – Child Development Theory

In this module, we take a brief look at the major figures in the development of child psychology and the major schools of thought

Module 9 – Parents

In this module, we discuss the role of parents, and the need to “sell” the idea of hypnotherapy to them

Module 10 – Special Children’s Questions

In this module, we cover the questions that work especially well with children

Module 11 – Caveats

In this module, we cover “the musts” when dealing with children and show you how to avoid over-stepping your boundaries of professional competence

Module 12 – Psychosomatic Problems

in this module, we give you an insight into the breadth, scope and influence of psychosomatic issues, the symptoms and treatment within the medical profession

Module 13 – The Setup

In this module, we show you how to “setup” your client for a successful outcome

Module 14 – Therapist Decisions

In this module, we show you how to devise a treatment plan, depending on whether the issue is psychodynamic, behavioural or psychosomatic

Module 15 – Children’s Issues Part I

In the next 5 modules, we’re going to give you a brief review in “how to” work with children, presenting over 40 different issues and introducing annotated scripts that can be adapted, modified and presented to children for a speedy resolution

Module 16 – Children’s Issues Part II

Part II of our brief review in “how to” work with children

Module 17 – Children’s Issues Part III

Part III of our brief review in “how to” work with children

Module 18 – Children’s Issues Part IV

Part IV of our brief review in “how to” work with children

Module 19 – Children’s Issues Part V

Part V of our brief review in “how to” work with children

Certification Exam

Suitably qualified Hypnotherapists can complete this optional certification exam for approval and listing in our register. You need a minimum of 28/35 points to pass (80%). You need to complete whole exam in one sitting, so please set aside up to an hour.